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Expert Articles, Trends, and Updates from Visual Pak

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Explore our articles and updates below! 

Design for Manufacturability

Design for Manufacturability Design for Manufacturing (DFM), or as we like to call it, the engineering Picasso, represents a strategic approach to product design that integrates manufacturing considerations from the start. It is the unsung hero behind[...]

June 27, 2024|

E-commerce Packaging: More Than Meets the Eye

E-commerce Packaging: More Than Meets the Eye  E-commerce packaging is not just about wrapping up a product and shipping it out. It's the behind-the-scenes hero of online business success, it's the first physical touchpoint a customer has[...]

February 27, 2024|

Dull & Plain = Big Money Savers

Transportation Services Launched Sure, these may look like dull and plain cartons, but these are money-saving bad boys of packaging! An e-commerce platform (you know who we are talking about!) charged a customer for the overall outer[...]

September 26, 2023|

E-Commerce, Today’s Reality

E-Commerce, Today's Reality E-Commerce for 2021 and beyond – the impact on companies in the Consumer Packaged Goods space and how to respond to changing consumer buying patterns through your packaging COVID-19 and the resulting changes in[...]

September 26, 2023|

Next Level Thermoforming Capabilities

Next Level Thermoforming Capabilities Visual Pak Plastics and Engineering strives to stay on top of automation that maximizes production output and efficiency to deliver savings that we pass along to you. Due to increased demand for our[...]

September 26, 2023|

Design Creativity and Innovation from Visual Pak

Design Creativity and Innovation from Visual Pak The Visual Pak Design Center Team is standing by for your next challenge! Our collaborative team of structural and graphic designers, packaging engineers and manufacturing experts deliver creative design solutions[...]

September 26, 2023|

The Breakdown and Value of GMI Certification

The Breakdown and Value of GMI Certification Before we kindly remind you that we are GMI Certified. We want to share the significance, details behind the process, and the value it brings to our customers. We searched[...]

September 26, 2023|

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